Planetwalk Africa

At the age of 77, most people reflect on the steps they’ve already taken. Dr. John Francis is not one of those people. With a bright glimmer in his eye and deep hope in his step, he is as alive, curious, and eager to create positive change as ever. By walking. This time, across Africa. Back to his roots – and the roots of humanity – to collect data, spread kindness, and put hope into action.


With Planetwalk Africa, John returns to humanity’s birthplace with many intentions. To collect climate data, connect continents, and unlock invaluable wisdom for future- forward solutions. In February 2023, John walked the first 100 miles from Cape Point to Gordon’s Bay, South Africa. In early 2024, he plans to walk 1,000 more, the next leg of his 6,000-mile journey towards Egypt. By putting his feet in motion, John walks for children everywhere, those with the most to lose (and gain) with the present state of our global climate. By co-creating this walk with anyone compelled to join, he communicates that together we hold our greatest solutions.

John and team are working closely with GLOBE ( to plan and execute the walk. We are so happy to invite you along for the journey.  Join us – virtually, physically, or charitably – as we travel across the beautiful birthplace of humanity. Absorbing indigenous knowledge, learning as we walk, and spreading the message of kindness. Together, we heal – one step at a time.

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