About Planetwalk
Planetwalk’s core mission is the development and coordination of a global network of Planetwalkers. Planetwalk will sponsor walks nationally and internationally with the purpose of promoting environmental education and responsibility and a vision of world peace and cooperation. Planetwalk is modeled on Dr. John Francis’s worldwide pilgrimage that works to transcend cultural, social and political boundaries by fostering communication between young people, scientists and environmental practitioners.
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In The News

BBC Interview: Why I stopped talking for 17 years
John Francis interviewed for BBC Outlook. Listen Now Continue reading BBC Interview: Why I stopped talking for 17 years

The Guardian: I didn’t speak for 17 years
I stopped speaking on my 27th birthday in 1973, because I found myself arguing all the time. After witnessing an oil … Continue reading The Guardian: I didn’t speak for 17 years

John Francis Interview for YES! Magazine
Download the pdf of this interview. [pdf-embedder url=”https://planetwalk.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Yes-Magazine-2016.pdf”] Continue reading John Francis Interview for YES! Magazine
Thanks for visiting the new Planetwalk website. We are in the process of building an online community based on walking and the idea that mutual respect of each other will manifest positively in our environment. Our first project is Planetlines.
Dr. Francis, it was so nice to hear your voice on the public radio station this morning in Chicago NPR, I was not sure if it was a recording or live interview. I am always trying to find time to volunteer for worthy causes that can make a difference in the world.
Please let me know if you need someone to volunteer a few hours a week. If my skill can be utilized by your organization, please contact me as soon as possible. I have been a business mentor volunteer with SCORE Chicago (www.SCOREChicago.org) for seven months if a
reference is needed. I also possess a B.S. in Business/Marketing and a Master of Public Administration.
My Facebook ID Cultural Skies and Twitter CulSkies
Best regards,
Keith Coleman
Hi Keith,
Bet that was a recording. What was it about. You can email me at john@planetwalk.org
Heard a smidge of an interview with you on NPR yesterday morning. I was moved enough to look you up on web and am very interested in learning more about your treks in the past and your ongoing commitment to z planet. Consider me a new fan. 🙂
Dear Mr. John Francis…..I listened to your Ted talk and seventeen years of silence. I was simply stunned and inspired at the same time. We live in an age of continuous distraction and subtle and not so subtle manipulations. I consider your 17 years of Silence a challenge to all concerned citizens of this planet.
Kind Regards
For years I’ve presented your story to students. I even had one class as to conduct a 90 minute session in silence. The funniest comment I ever heard, though, about your work is when I was teaching an adult class that was largely filled with black women who were returning students aiming to change their lives for the better in South Carolina. They listened to a brief bio about you/your work and then I began to play your talk and one woman shouted, “You mean a black man was crazy enough to do that? Hold on, I need to sit closer. The whole time you were talking I thought only a white man would be that crazy!” We stopped the TED talk, waited for her to move and our laughter to end, and I started again. When she finished my class she thanked me for sharing your story and told me all the others she had shared it with in her life. May your work continue to ripple out and do good.
Best Wishes, Always.
Hi John;
Heard your voice for the first time on the Ted talk radio podcast. we met in Ashland back in the middle 80’s. I still have two of your water colors of flowers of the Kamiopsis. Two things that weren’t brought up in your talk were your expression through painting and music. As I remember you, it was your open face, alive eyes and big smile that communicated most to me. It was a heart thing. I am thankful for the time I got to spend with you. Steven Bright
Dear John Francis,
My name is Michele Stone and I lived in Inverness in the early 1980s so I certainly remember you.
My father was Don Stone and Marj Stone is my stepmom. Melanie Stone is my sister. Thought you might have known them.
I recently retired and am living back in Inverness. So happy to be back in town and to be a member of this caring community.
I really just wanted to introduce myself and to tell you that I was in awe of your decisions to not ride in cars and your vow of silence.
I would so like to meet you when you return to West Marin.
Do you have any idea when that might be?
All the best and Bless you,
Hi, John, and all who care about eaarth (Bill McKibben’s new name for earth) and all living things,
I “discovered” your book on the bottom shelf of a book rack at a public library in Buffalo, NY, about four and a half years ago. It was placed there with others as a sampling of book offerings in the library.
Reading your book was a very powerful educational experience and an inspiring one.
I plan to investigate your environmental curriculum and would like to have you speak on my college campus (State University of New York at Fredonia). I will search your website to see how to contact you and arrange for a visit.
Perhaps as you retrace your first walk, you can visit our campus if not too far off your route.
Best Wishes in everything you strive for as we begin a New Year, 2015.
A favorite new quote of mine:
“There’s no hope, but I may be wrong.” – Pete Seeger (1917-2014), perhaps you met him?
All my relations,
J. David Swift
Hi David,
Thanks for the message. you can email me at John@planetwalk.org.
I am on the road lots, and do visit schools.
Hope you are having a Happy New Year.
I stumbled across your interview on YouTube with Conversations Around the Green Fire.I love to walk. I am intrigued and look forward to the development of your website. Happy New Year and Thank you for your environmental work.