BBC Interview: Why I stopped talking for 17 years
John Francis interviewed for BBC Outlook. Listen Now
John Francis interviewed for BBC Outlook. Listen Now
I stopped speaking on my 27th birthday in 1973, because I found myself arguing all the time. After witnessing an oil spill in San Francisco Bay in 1971, I gave up
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John Francis was recently interviewed on Polskie Radio by Wioletcie Myszków. Please click here to listen.
Planetwalk Cuba with Dr. John Francis from John Francis on Vimeo.
This article appeared on The Atlantic: By Daniel Fromsom You might say that the whole point of being an activist is to be heard, to shout your message from the
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By Catherine Wang Imagine being absolutely silent for 17 years. Could you do it? That’s exactly what environmentalist Dr John Francis did to demonstrate his personal connection to the planet.